
Discover the keywords your competitors are leveraging for success

Competitor Keywords & Ads

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Discover your competitors organic & paid keywords on Google or Bing. Find your competitors most profitable keywords & ad copy + view their estimated spend, keyword positions, rank changes, backlinks...
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Discover your competitors ads plus the organic & paid keywords they're leveraging for success

With our cutting-edge competitor research tools, you can reverse engineer your competitors organic and paid keywords on both Google and Bing. Uncover their most profitable keywords and ad copy, and gain valuable insights by viewing their estimated spend, keyword positions, rank changes, and amount of backlinks. With 29 data fields of information, you'll gain valuable insights into your competitors strategies and discover the keywords they're leveraging for success

Introducing the Competitor Analysis tool - find out who your top competitors are.

In today's fast-paced market, it is essential to have a clear understanding of who your top competitors are and what they are doing in terms of digital presence. With the help of our competitor analysis tool, you will instantly find out who your top competitors are and gain valuable insights about them. Our Competitor analysis tool provides you with information such as the number of keywords your competitors have ranking on Google and Bing, their estimated traffic, and most importantly, how many of your competitors keywords intersect with your own keywords.

This will empower you to pinpoint who your top competitors are, their strengths and weaknesses, identify potential opportunities, and make strategic decisions to stay ahead of the competition. By analyzing your competitors digital presence, you will gain a better understanding of the market landscape and you can use this knowledge to improve your own marketing efforts. In today's highly competitive business world, competitor analysis is crucial, it can help businesses succeed and stay ahead of the competition.

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Unlock Your Competitors Success with the top performing pages tool

staying ahead of your competitors is crucial for the growth and success of your business. One of the most effective ways to gain a strategic advantage over your rivals is by understanding their top-performing web pages.

With the Top Pages tool we offer, you can easily unlock your competitors success by gaining insights into their most visited web pages, estimated traffic to each page, and the number of keywords those pages are ranking for. This invaluable information allows you to find out your competitors strategies for driving in search traffic, giving you new ideas for content and potentially surpassing their performance. Stay ahead of the game and unlock your competitors success with our tools.

Our cutting-edge tool not only provides you with a comprehensive list of your competitors top-performing web pages, but also offers crucial data such as the number of new keywords, lost keywords, and the keywords that are currently trending upward or downward.

Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions and create a winning strategy for your business. Understanding your competitors keyword rankings and the performance of their web pages is essential in today's fast-paced digital world. Let our tool give you the upper hand by unlocking your competitors success and propelling your business towards greater success. Don't let your competitors stay ahead of you, try our tool now and take control of your online presence.

Keyword Research Tools

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Instantly discover which of your competitors keywords intersect with yours

Our Domain Intersection tool takes keyword research to the next level by allowing you to see not only your competitors keywords that intersect with your keywords, but also their SERP results and ads compared to yours. No more guessing where you stand in the search engine rankings. With our tool, you can easily track your position for each keyword, as well as your competitors.

But that's not all, our Domain Intersection tool also provides you with the number of backlinks for each keyword, giving you valuable insights into your competitors SEO strategies. Plus, you can even use this tool to uncover keywords that your competitors are ranking for, but you are not.

Stay one step ahead of your competition and make informed decisions for your SEO and PPC strategies with our Domain Intersection tool. Don't waste any more time and start using our tool today to dominate the competition and boost your online presence. Trust us, your business will thank you later.

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Plans & Pricing

Budget friendly options that guarantee a high return on investment. By leveraging our tools, you'll not only attract more traffic but also outsmart your competitors. Don't miss out on the opportunity to skyrocket your online presence. Invest in Keyword Research Tools today and watch your traffic soar to new heights.

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$31.16 / monthly

Billed every 12 months - 20% off

$39 / monthly

Billed monthly - Cancel anytime

  • All 15 Keyword Tools - 120,000 keywords - 100 credits
  • All Data Fields
  • Competitor Keywords
  • Competitor PPC Ads Google & Bing
  • Identify Your Top Competitors
  • Competitor Keywords Filtering Options
  • Competitor Research Tools
  • 1 user
  • Team management privileges
  • 1 project
  • Unlimited Exports


$47.08 / monthly

Billed every 12 months - 20% off

$59 / monthly

Billed monthly - Cancel anytime

  • All 15 Keyword Tools - 264,000 keywords - 220 credits
  • All Data Fields
  • Competitor Keywords - 70,000 keywords - 100 credits
  • Competitor PPC Ads Google & Bing
  • Identify Your Top Competitors
  • Competitor Keywords Filtering Options
  • Competitor Research Tools - 100 credits
  • Invite up to 5 users
  • Team management privileges
  • 10 projects
  • Unlimited Exports


$94.33 / monthly

Billed every 12 months - 20% off

$118 / monthly

Billed monthly - Cancel anytime

  • All 15 Keyword Tools - 600,000 keywords - 500 credits
  • All Data Fields
  • Competitor Keywords - 280,000 keywords - 400 credits
  • Competitor PPC Ads Google & Bing
  • Identify Your Top Competitors
  • Competitor Keywords Filtering Options
  • Competitor Research Tools - 400 credits
  • Invite up to 10 users
  • Team management privileges
  • 25 projects
  • Unlimited Exports

Midsize Business

$388 / monthly

Billed every 12 months - 20% off

$485 / monthly

Billed monthly - Cancel anytime

  • All 15 Keyword Tools - 1.8 Million keywords - 1500 credits
  • All Data Fields
  • Competitor Keywords - 840,000 keywords - 1200 credits
  • Competitor PPC Ads Google & Bing
  • Identify Your Top Competitors
  • Competitor Keywords Filtering Options
  • Competitor Research Tools - 1200 credits
  • Invite up to 15 users
  • Team management privileges
  • 50 projects
  • Unlimited Exports

Large Business

$796 / monthly

Billed every 12 months - 20% off

$994 / monthly

Billed monthly - Cancel anytime

  • All 15 Keyword Tools - 5.4 Million keywords - 4500 credits
  • All Data Fields
  • Competitor Keywords - 2.45M keywords - 3500 credits
  • Competitor PPC Ads Google & Bing
  • Identify Your Top Competitors
  • Competitor Keywords Filtering Options
  • Competitor Research Tools - 3500 credits
  • Invite up to 30 users
  • Team management privileges
  • 100 projects
  • Unlimited Exports

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Experience Premium Access – Absolutely Free - Credit Card Not Required.

Boost Your SEO Strategy: Unlock Premium Access with Our Free 3-Day Trial. Access 15+ advanced keyword and competitor research tools to uncover lucrative, often-missed long-tail keywords. Plus, discover your competitors keywords/PPC ads on Google & Bing, find out who your top competitors are, their top landing pages and more. With our technology at your disposal, you're not just set to compete; you're set to lead. Ready to transform your market approach? Start your free trial today—gain a competitive edge with unmatched accuracy, at no cost.

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